Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm still not sure how I feel about the ending of Left Hand of Darkness. I kind of like how the end is left open to interpretation but at the same time I want to know what happened. The end kind of reminded me of a way that a lot of movies end, with the protagonist about to retell everything that has happened. Genly is about to answer sorve's guestion," Will you tell us how he died?-Will you tell us about the other worlds out among the stars- the other kinds of men the other lives?"p. 301. I think the ending is nice the way it ends with a reflection upon everything that has happened and Estraven. In class we also discussed in our group how weird it was that the last page doesn't have a page number. Was this done purposely? It seems like it was because the numbers are placed automatically they don't write in each one so they couldn't have just forgotten to do it. I do not think that Genly will stay on Gethen I think he will stay as long as the rest of the crew does but then he will return to his job and maybe go to a new planet. He obviously had a reason for becoming an Envoy in the first place because i know I would never want that job. Genly seems like the kind of person who doesn't really complain he just accepts things and does what other people want. It never seemed like he really got that upset or angry even when he was kidnapped and in the van. That's why I think he will go on with his job, it gives him something to do and a purpose in his life. If he just stayed on Gethen what would he do where would he go?

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